Design ServicesFrom copywriting (our most favourite speciality) to layout, illustration to photography, and everything outside and in-between, our visual services team will get you where you need to go, whether you want to or not. We're not about to pussyfoot around an inadequate product intended for yet another pointless market niche, so if you want some pretty words to dress up a third-rate, non-export-quality product or idea, you will not be happy when our bill arrives. However, if your idea will make your community a better place to live, we are all in. Not for free, mind you, but we will be there. Let's work together (that means: give us the latitude to do whatever we want) to get your concept moving forward (which is the opposite of backward - no one wants backwards anymore, no matter what any president says. This is the 21st century, where we say a resounding SHUT IT to mealy-mouthed madmen who are aiming for the dark ages (which was before the Renaissance, so, backwards (although, it could be argued that the Renaissance was already underway in many parts of the world other than the center of the universe at that time, but whatever (mind you, it could be argued that that pre-Renaissance Renaissance was a result of unrelenting savagery and ill-gotten booty, but we are not history majors, we are artists and writers, designers and thinkers, and we will get to the point to get your business to market))))).))) ). Need examples of what we are capable of before you hand over all banking information to us? Here you go. |
Books, brochures, business cards, greeting cards, advertising copy (which is what you're reading right now, so you already know that we wield words like a carpenter swings a hammer (an effective carpenter with a good hammer, that is). Simple page layout for your best-selling novel? We've done it. Four-colour process books with six-figure budgets? Been there too. Television? Yes. Radio? Not our best side, as we're a visual company, but yes, we've done that too. The web. Print. Outdoor signage. If you can think it, we've done it. Not graffiti, mind you. We haven't done that. We've removed some pretty awful graffiti, but never participated in its creation. We've documented some of the best graffiti in Canada, but we freely admit, our strengths do not lie there. But if that's what you want, we know top people. We have the best people in mind all the time. That's what keeps us so optimistic. Out of touch, perhaps, but deliriously optimistic. Speaking of Optimism, our musical aficionados can also take care of all your CD…MP3, digital recording needs…whatever format the cool kids are buying these days, we'll package it and present it to your adoring public in a way that is honest, and may reduce sales if you're actually not a good person. Need to create a video about your wondrous new [insert life-changing idea here]? That can be arranged. Put together a book of your family's travels? Make a massive poster of all those travel moments? We can do it. Unless you went to Disney World, we don't have people for that.